We were recently introduced to a sister organization in Michigan; the “Points North” podcast from Interlochen Public Radio. It feels a bit like discovering a long-lost sibling! Our minds are sparking with wonder and excitement. https://tinyurl.com/2p8kfm6h “Points North” describes itself as a “biweekly podcast about the evolving land, water and inhabitants of the Upper Great Lakes. It’s about where we are and how we move forward.” Sound anything like “Agate Magazine?” After some pleasant conversations with “Points North” producer Dan Wanschura, we are pleased to share one of his recent stories, “Bat Gadgetry: High-Tech Solutions to a Deadly Problem.” As most of us know, the deadly fungus was discovered in North America about 15 years ago. I learned about how it affected Minnesota bats, https://tinyurl.com/ye22zx7s, but hadn’t heard much about it recently. This story introduces us to some innovative experiments designed to help bats afflicted by this destructive disease.