Phil Cook dedicated his life to understanding asbestos-like fibers.
Linnaeus’s Flower
A fragile little flower connects northern Minnesota and Sweden.
St. Louis River watershed’s ecosystem benefits valued at up to $14 billion in new study
The St. Louis River is a beautiful place — and an integral part of a complex ecosystem.
PolyMet denies access for wetlands research by U of M scientist
Company proposing Minnesota’s first potential copper mine objects to scientist’s ties to environmental organization.
The Dragonfly Suite
St. Croix Valley artist finds inspiration in his backyard.
North Shore: A Natural History of Minnesota’s Superior Coast
Chel Anderson and Adelheid Fischer’s new book is vast in scope, thought-provoking, and poetic in places.
Listen: Following the Wings
Interviews with researchers leading Minnesota-based migration studies, and highlights of conservation efforts happening at the local and international level.
Natural Forces, Lax Laws Responsible for River Pipeline Spills
St. Croix River headwaters could be affected by powerful rivers and weak oversight.
Horses Haul Logs for Forest Rejuvenation
A landowner near Duluth hires horse loggers to selectively cut aging aspen, fostering the growth of young maples and oaks.
Wings and a Prayer
Migration of songbirds connects the St. Croix River to Costa Rica, and inspires a poet.